Documents de Travail
IPPP Risks and Opportunities: An Economic Perspective
Numéro: 2014-5 J. de Brux et F. Marty – IPPP Risks and Opportunities: An Economic Perspective Abstract: This article analyzes some of the issues raised by institutionalized public-private partnerships in an economic perspective. We demonstrate that although they may address some of the main limits of purely contractual public-private partnerships, such as the issues of control, know-how transfer, or…
Lire la suiteQuality of Outsourced Services, Rent-Seeking and Contract Design. Evidence from Cleaning Contracts.
Numéro: 2014-4 Quality of Outsourced Services, Rent-Seeking and Contract Design. Evidence from Cleaning Contracts. Jean Beuve and Lisa Chever Abstract: This paper estimates the impact of contract design on the enforceability of quality in outsourced public contracts. Using a four-year panel data of 102 cleaning contracts, our findings suggest that quality enforcement highly depends on the ex ante contracting…
Lire la suiteThe Determinants of Margins in Gasoline Markets
Numéro: 2014-3 T. Porcher et S. Porcher, 2014 – The Determinants of Margins in Gasoline Markets Abstract: When studying oligopolies, a tension exists between models supporting tacit collusion and those supporting the non-collusive behavior of firms. Using a panel on retail fuel margins in France over more than twenty years, we find mitigated evidence of collusive behavior in the retail…
Lire la suiteThe Ineffectiveness of Fuel Taxes in France
Numéro: 2014-2 S. Porcher et T. Porcher, 2014 – The Ineffectiveness of Fuel Taxes in France Abstract: Fuel taxes can be employed to correct externalities associated with pollution and raise government revenue. In this paper, we decompose fuel taxes from tax-exclusive fuel prices to see how consumers respond to market versus policy-driven fuel price changes. Our analysis reveals that fuel taxes might be an…
Lire la suiteThe network efficiency rate: a key performance indicator for water services asset management?
Numéro: 2014-1 Maria Salvetti – The network efficiency rate: a key performance indicator for water services asset management? Abstract: In France, good governance of public water and sanitation services revolves around the definition and monitoring of performance indicators designed as steering tools and targeting results. Among the 29 statutory performance indicators, the network efficiency rate plays a key…
Lire la suiteL’évolution des conditions de financement des contrats de PPP : quels impacts de la crise financière ?
Numéro: 2013-3 Frédéric Marty – L’évolution des conditions de financement des contrats de PPP : quels impacts de la crise financière ? Abstract: Le recours aux contrats de partenariat public-privé (PPP) peut induire un certain nombre d’avantages pour les partenaires publics, lesquels tiennent notamment à une couverture contre les risques de dérives de délais et de coûts. Ces derniers peuvent…
Lire la suiteThe Direct and Indirect Effect of Safety Regulation on Service Quality: a Cautionary Tale from the French "Robien Law"
Numéro: 2013-2 The Direct and Indirect Effect of Safety Regulation on Service Quality: a Cautionary Tale from the French « Robien Law » Lisa Chever et Michael Klien (Chaire EPPP) Abstract: To deal with elevators accidents the French ’Robien law’ mandated a modernization of ’old’ elevators until 2008. Although available statistics suggest that the law led to a reduction of mortal…
Lire la suiteEfficiency in the Public and Private French Water Utilities: Prospects for Benchmarking
Numéro: 2013-1 Efficiency in the Public and Private French Water Utilities: Prospects for Benchmarking Aude Le Lannier and Simon Porcher (Chaire EPPP) Abstract: This paper uses a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and a Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) to assess the relative technical efficiency of 177 decision making units in the water supply sector in France in 2009.…
Lire la suiteInnovation and regulatory outcomes: Evidence from the public-private contracts for water supply in France
Numéro: 2012-11 Innovation and regulatory outcomes: Evidence from the public-private contracts for water supply in France Freddy Huet (Université de la Réunion) and Simon Porcher (IAE Paris) Abstract: One of the most important pitfalls associated with public-private partnership schemes (PPPs) conducted in natural monopoly industries is the difficulty of replacing the winning firm after a contract…
Lire la suiteUne estimation des coûts d’efficience des tarifs actuels des services publics de l’eau en France
Numéro: 2012-10 Une estimation des coûts d’efficience des tarifs actuels des services publics de l’eau en France Simon Porcher (IAE Paris) Abstract: Un résultat communément accepté dans la littérature sur la régulation des services publics (Coase [1946]) est que l’efficience du marché exige un recours à des tarifs binômes avec d’une part un prix marginal égal au…
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