Simon Porcher

- Data visualizations here.
- Paper published in Nature’s scientific data here.
- GitHub here.
- NEW: Policy design for COVID-19: Worldwide evidence on the efficacies of early mask mandates & other policy interventions (with Brian An, Shui-Yan Tang & Emily Kim), Public Administration Review.
- Associate Professor at IAE Paris – Université Paris I Sorbonne (2016-)
- Adjunt Lecturer at ESCP (2020-).
- Adjunt Lecturer at CFVG Vietnam (2019-)
- Visiting Associate Professor at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy – NUS (2018)
- Visiting Lecturer at The London School of Economics and Political Science (2016-2018)
- Assistant Professor at IAE Paris – Université Paris I Sorbonne (2015-2016)
- LSE Fellow at The London School of Economics and Political Science (2014-2015)
- Assistant Professor at Université Paris Est Créteil & IAE Gustave Eiffel (2013-2014)
- Research Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence (2013)
- Research and Teaching Assistant at Université Paris Descartes (2012-2013)
- Adjunct Lecturer at Sciences Po (2010-2014)
- Research Fellow at ESCP Europe (2009)
- Habilitation à diriger des recherches in Management (IAE Paris – Université Paris I) – 2016. Title: Choix organisationnels et performance des services publics.
- Ph.D. in Management (IAE Paris – Université Paris I) – 2012. Title: Organizational choices, Efficiency and Equity in Local Public Services.
- Master in Economics, Paris School of Economics (Université Paris I – ENS Cachan) – 2009.
- Master in Public Affairs, Sciences Po – 2007.
- BA (Maîtrise) in Economics & Management, Université Paris I Sorbonne – 2005.
- BA (Bachelor) in Economics, Stockholm Universitet (Exchange with Paris I) – 2005.
Linkedin Page / Research gate / Google Scholar
- Public Management
- Strategy
- Contracting
- Cross-country comparisons
Papers in Public Administration / Contracting / Water Regulation
- An, Y., Porcher, S., Tan, S-Y and Kim, E., “Policy Design for COVID-19: Worldwide evidence on the efficacies of early mask mandates and other policy interventions”, Public Administration Review, 2021.
- Porcher, S., “Culture and the Quality of Government”, Public Administration Review, 81(2), pp. 333-343, 2021.
- Porcher, S. and Renault, T., “Social distancing beliefs and mobility: Evidence from Twitter”, PLOS One, 16(3), 2021.
- Porcher, S. “Mark Moore: le management stratégique appliqué au gouvernement”, in Anthologie des grands auteurs en management public, (dir) Burlaud, A., Chatelain-Ponroy S., Gibert, P. et M. Rival, éditions EMS, 2020.
- Porcher, S. « Response2covid19, a dataset of governments’ responses to COVID-19 all around the world », Scientific Data (Nature), forthcoming.
- Porcher, S. “Concurrent Sourcing in Local Public Services: Theory, Evidence and Avenues for Future Research”, Handbook of Public Administation, (dir) Hildreth, B., Miller, G. and E. Lindquist, Routledge, forthcoming.
- Porcher, S., & Mayol, A., Tarifs discriminants et monopoles de l’eau potable. Une analyse empirique de la réaction des consommateurs face aux distorsions du signal prix, Revue Economique, 70(4), pp. 461-494, 2019.
- Porcher, S. and Saussier, S., “Introduction: Public vs. Private Management in Water Public Services: Taking stock, looking ahead”, Facing the Challenges of Water Governance, (dir) Simon Porcher and Stéphane Saussier, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-28, 2018.
- Porcher, S., “France: In Hot Water? Issues at Stake in the Regulation of French Water Public Services”, Facing the Challenges of Water Governance, (dir) Simon Porcher and Stéphane Saussier, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 111-132, 2018.
- Porcher, S., “Christopher Pollitt, Advanced Introduction to Public Management and Administration”, Public Administration Review, 78(2), 2018.
- Molinos-Senante, M., Porcher, S., & Maziotis, A., Productivity change and its drivers for the Chilean water companies: A comparison of full private and concessionary companies, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 183, 908-916, 2018.
- Porcher, S., The ‘hidden costs’ of water provision: New evidence from the relationship between contracting-out and price in French water public services, Utilities Policy, 48, 2017.
- Molinos-Senante, M., Porcher, S., & Maziotis, A., Impact of regulation on English and Welsh water-only companies: an input-distance function approach, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 14(9), 2017.
- Molinos-Senante, M., Porcher, S., & Maziotis, A., The welfare costs of non-marginal water pricing : evidence from the water only companies in England & Wales, Urban Water Journal, Vol. 24(20), 2017.
- Porcher, S., Neither Market nor Hierarchy: concurrent sourcing in French public services, Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 800-812, 2016.
- Porcher S.,Efficiency and Equity in Two-Part Tariffs: The Case of Residential Water Rates , Applied Economics, 2014.
- Le Lannier A. et S. Porcher, Efficiency in the Public and Private French Water Utilities: Prospects for Benchmarking , Applied Economics, 2014.
- Huet F. and S. Porcher, « Innovation and Regulatory Outcomes: Evidence from the Public-Private Contracts for Water Supply in France « , Handbook in Governance, Regulation and Innovation, Edward-Elgar, 2013.
- Porcher S., Une estimation des coûts d’efficience des tarifs actuels des services publics de l’eau en France , Revue Economique, 2013.
- Le Lannier A. et S. Porcher, Gestion publique ou privée? Un benchmarking des services d’eau en France , Revue d’économie industrielle, 2012.
Papers on CSR / Strategy / Entrepreneurship
- The economics of street-level prostitution in Paris during The Belle Epoque (with Alexandre Frondizi), Applied Economics, forthcoming. Ronald B. Shuman Award of the best paper at the Academy of Management, 2012.
- Bourguignon, R., Garaudel, P. and Porcher, S., Global Framework Agreements and Trade Unions as Monitoring Agents in Transnational Corporations, Journal of Business Ethics, 2019.
- Bourguignon, R., Garaudel, P. and Porcher, S, “Les accords-cadres internationaux et le rôle des syndicats dans le contrôle de la chaîne de valeur globale”, Les accords-cadres internationaux : étude comparative des ACI conclus par les entreprises françaises, (dir. Rémi Bourguignon et Arnaud Mias), Organisation Internationale du Travail, pp. 39-58, 2017.
- Frondizi A. and S. Porcher, « Sidewalk’s Queens: Popular Prostitutions and Urban Economy in Fin-de-Siècle Paris », Handbook on the Economics of Prostitution, Oxford University Press, 2016.
- Porcher S., « Regulation and ICT Capital Input: Evidence from 10 OECD Countries « , Handbook in Governance, Regulation and Innovation, Edward-Elgar, 2013.
- Porcher S. et T. Porcher,RSE et stratégie des entreprises pétrolières: le cas de deux marées noires , La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 2012.
- Bonnafous-Boucher, M. and S. Porcher, Towards a Stakeholder Society: Stakeholder Theory vs. Theory of Civil Society, European Management Review, 2010 (14), 1-12.
- Porcher, S. « La gouvernance des pôles de compétitivité », La dynamique entrepreneuriale dans les pôles de compétitivité , (dir) Jean-Michel Saussois, Maria Bonnafous-Boucher, Prospectives et entreprises, 2010.
Papers in Finance / Commodities
- Porcher, S. & Porcher, T., Fuel taxes and consumer behavior: A Markov-Switching approach, International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 41 (1-4), 14-24, 2018.
- Boroumand, R., Goutte, S., Porcher, S., & Porcher, T., Risk Minimisation: the failure of electricity intra-day forward contracts, International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 40(5), pp.335-343, 2017.
- Boroumand, R., Goutte, S., Porcher, S., & Porcher, T., 2017, Jumps and Volatility Dynamics in Agricultural Commodity Spot Prices, Applied Economics, 49 (40), 2017.
- R.H. Boroumand, S. Goutte, Porcher S. et T. Porcher, Asymmetric Evidence of Gasoline Price Responses in France: A Markov-Switching Approach, Economic Modelling, 2016.
- R.H. Boroumand, S. Goutte, Porcher S. et T. Porcher, Hedging Strategies in Energy Markets: the Case of Electricity Retailers, Energy Economics, 2015.
- R.H. Boroumand, S. Goutte, Porcher S. et T. Porcher, A Conditional Markov Regime Switching Model to Study Margins: Application to the French Fuel Retail Markets , Energy Studies Review,2015.
- R.H. Boroumand, S. Goutte, Porcher S. et T. Porcher,Correlation Evidence in the Dynamics of Agricultural Commodity Prices, Applied Economics Letters, 2014.
- Porcher S. et T. Porcher, The Determinants of Margins in French Retail Gasoline Markets , Applied Economics Letters, 2014.
- Facing the challenges of water governance, with Stéphane Saussier (Editors), Palgrave McMillan, 2018.
- Analyse de données sous SPSS, with Marie-Eve Laporte and Ouidade Sabri, Vuibert, 2018.
- 20 dissertations d’économie, with Martin Merle, Ellipses, 2014.
- 20 questions d’économie , with Vincent Levrault, Ellipses, 2013.
- Regards croisés sur un XXIème siècle en mouvement , (dir) Thomas Porcher, Ellipses, 2012. Chapitres sur la politique industrielle et sur l’immigration.
- 80 propositions qui ne coûtent pas 80 milliards , (dir) Patrick Weil, Grasset, 2012. Coordination des propositions économiques.
- L’Afrique des nouvelles convoitises , (dir) Alain Nonjon, Ellipses, 2011. Chapitres sur la pauvreté et les marées noires.
- Ecole 2012: faire réussir tous les élèves , (dir) François Dubet et Ismaël Ferhat, éditions Terra Nova, 2011.
- Beuve, J., Huet, F., Porcher, S., et Saussier, S., Les performances des modes de gestion alternatifs des services publics : le cas de la collecte des déchets en France, Rapport pour l’Agence de l’environnement et de la maîtrise de l’énergie (ADEME), 2013.
- Porcher, S. et Saussier, S., La performance des services publics de l’eau en France, Rapport pour l’Observatoire national de l’eau et des milieux aquatiques (ONEMA), 2013.
- Bonus for excellence in supervision and research, French Ministry of Research, 2019-2023.
- Best dissertation award, Public and Non-Profit Division, Academy of Management, Lake Buena Vista, FL, 2013.
- Dissertation distinguished by the French Association of Doctors in Law (AFDD in French), 2013.
- Ronald B. Shuman Award of the Best Graduate Student Paper, Academy of Management, Boston, MA, 2012.
- Finalist for the best paper, Conference on Public Utilities, Milan, Italy, 2010.
- France Stratégie, Project on public-private partnerships for internet in France, IAE Paris, 2021-2022.
- CSCEC, Project on public-private partnerships for social housing in Africa, IAE Paris, 2021-2022.
- Artimon, Project on the digitalization of public services, IAE Paris, 2020-2021.
- European Commission Horizon 2020, LIS Water Project, in partnership with LNEC & Cranfield University, 2017-2018. Project qualified to be funded as a H2020 project.
- International Labor Organization, in partnership with Université Paris Dauphine, 2016-2017.
- ONEMA, research grant, 2010-2013.
- ADEME, research grant, 2010-2013.
- Scientific director of EPPP Chair, IAE Paris (2017-).
- Associate Editor of M@n@gement (2017-).
- Associate Editor of Finance Research Letters (2019-).
- Director of the Master in Management & Business Administration (2016-).
- Board Member of AIRMAP (2019-).
- Board Member of IAE Paris (2019-).
- Board Member of GREGOR Research Lab (2016-).
- Member of the French Council of Universities – Conseil National des Universités (2018-2019).
- Member of the internationalization committee of Public Management Research Association (2018-2019).
- Jury for the best book award, Public & Non-Profit, Academy of Management (2017).
- Reviewer for Management Science, Journal of Management Studies, Public Administration Review, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Institutional Economics, Urban Studies, M@n@gement, Policy Science, Applied Economics, Energy Policy, Economic Modelling, China Economic Review, Finance Research Letters, Water Policy, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Revue d’économie industrielle, International Journal of Global Energy Issues, International Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation, etc.
- Panel expert for the OECD on Water governance (2014).
- Public Administration Review Symposium on Social Equity, online, February 2022.
- USC-SNU conference, online, January 2022.
- Academy of International Business Canada Chapter, online, December 2021.
- Seminar at Oxford GoLab, online, November 2021.
- Seminar at LUISS, online, November 2021.
- Seminar at Neuchâtel, online, November 2021.
- Public Administration Review Symposium on Redefining Public Administration, online, November 2021.
- COVID-19 PHSM conference, online, October 2021.
- Seminar at UVSQ, online, March 2021.
- ASPA, online, March 2021.
- COVID-19 trackers research conference, online, February 2021.
- Academy of Management (AoM), online, August 6-11th, 2020.
- Seminars at IAE Paris, Paris, France, January 2020 & June 2020.
- 11th IRMBAM, Nice, France, July 1-3rd, 2019.
- AIRMAP, Paris, France, May 2019.
- Public Management Research Conference (PMRC), Chapel Hill, June 11-14th , 2019.
- Seminar at IAE Paris, Paris, France, February 11th, 2019.
- Vietnam Symposium on Leadership & Public Policy, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 30-31st, 2018.
- Seminar at IAE Paris, Paris, France, April 2018.
- Public Management Research Conference (PMRC), Singapore, May 30-31st , 2018.
- SOAS Seminars on Water, London, UK, November 2017.
- Academy of Management (AoM), Atlanta, USA, August 4-8th, 2017.
- International Conference on Public Policy (IPPP), Singapore, June 28-30th, 2017.
- Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics (SIOE), NYC, NY, USA, June 15-16th, 2017.
- Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Fall Research Conference, Washington, DC, USA, November 3-5th, 2016.
- 5th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures, EUI, Florence, Italy, June 24th, 2016.
- Academy of Management (AoM), Vancouver, Canada, August 7-11th, 2015.
- EPPP Chair Conference, IAE Paris – Sorbonne, Paris, France, June 4-5th, 2015.
- INSEEC Business School Seminar, Paris, France, June 3rd, 2015.
- SOAS Seminars on Water, London, UK, January 2015.
- Université Saint-Denis Economics Seminar, Saint-Denis, France, April 28th, 2014.
- IAE Gustave Eiffel Healthcare Seminar, Créteil, France, April 7th, 2014.
- Université Paris Sorbonne Economics Seminar, Paris, France, March 28th, 2014.
- Conference ICCM, ESG Management School, Paris, France, January 16th-17th, 2014.
- IAE Gustave Eiffel Strategy Seminar, Créteil, France, September 26th, 2013.
- International Society on New Institutional Economics 17th conference, Florence, Italy, June 20-22nd, 2013.
- COST workshop, Brussels, Belgium, April 16th-18th, 2013.
- IAE Lille Seminar, Lille, France, March 21st, 2013.
- HEC Liège Seminar, Liège, Belgique, February 22th, 2013.
- Smart Governance and Regulation of Water in Europe, EUI, Florence, Italy, February 7th-8th, 2013.
- Academy of Management (AoM), Boston, MA, USA, August 3-7th, 2012.
- Association Françaises des Sciences Economiques, 61ème congrès, Paris, France, July 2nd-4th, 2012.
- EURAM 2012, 12th conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands, June 6th-8th , 2012.
- Infradays 10th, Berlin, Germany, October 7th-8th, 2011.
- DIW Berlin Seminar, Berlin, Germany, October 7th, 2011.
- 2nd Conference on International Governance, Greenwich, England, September 9-10th, 2011.
- Academy of Management (AoM), San Antonio, TX, USA, August 12-16th, 2011.
- International Society on New Institutional Economics 15th conference, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, June, 16-18th, 2011.
- International Industrial Organization Society, Boston, MA, USA, April 8-10th, 2011.
- ESNIE 7th « Days », Paris 11 Orsay, France, March 25th, 2011.
- Center for Competition and Regulatory Policy, Birmingham, England, February 10th and 11th, 2011.
- CESAER Seminar, Université de Dijon, France, December 6th, 2010.
- Chaire EPPP Seminar, IAE Paris, France, Octobre 22nd, 2010.
- 1st International Conference on Public Utilities, Bocconi Milan, Italy, July, 15-16th, 2010.
- 1st Conference ADAM, Aix-en-Provence, France, June 30th – July, 1st, 2010.
- 9th ESNIE, Cargèse, France, May 31st – June, 4th, 2010.
- Interviews for Canal +, Le Monde, Le Figaro, Radio France Internationale, Radio Canada, La Gazette des Communes, etc.
- Citations in France Info, Marianne, Freakonomics,
- Columns in Le Monde, Le Temps, The Conversation, La Tribune, etc.
- Videos for FNEGE Médias, etc.