Miguel Amaral

Education : Docteur en Economie / PhD in Economics (2009)
(Qualifié Maître de Conférences, section 05)
CES – University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Current position : Responsable de l’Unité Régulation des Gestionnaires d’Infrastructure / Head of the Regulation of Infrastructure Managers Unit, Autorité de régulation des activités ferroviaires (ARAF) / French regulatory authority for railway activities
E-mail : miguelamaral75@gmail.com
Télécharger mon CV
Research Interests :
- Applied industrial organisation
- Contract theories
- Public-private partnerships
- Benchmarking, Efficiency Analysis
- Competition and Regulatory Economics
- Transport Economics
Thesis title : Modes of Organization and Performances. The Case of Urban Public Transport in Europe (download the full version)
News : Miguel Amaral & Anne Yvrande-Billon received the 2010 Junior researcher Award for their paper « Make or Buy Urban Public Services: A Rational Choice? » at the 1st International Conference on Economics and Management of Public Utilities (Bocconi University, Milano, 15-16 July 2010).
Publications :
- « Vertical Separation in Rail Transport: How Do Prices Influence Coordination?” (avec J.-C. THIEBAUD), Network Industries Quarterly, 16(2), 2014
- “Expected Number of Bidders and Winning Bids: Evidence from the London Bus Tendering Model” (avec S. SAUSSIER et A. YVRANDE-BILLON), Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 47(1), 2013
- « Les PPP dans le Transport Public de Personnes en France. Un Point de Vue d’Economistes » (avec S. Saussier), Revue d’Analyse Financière, 48, 2013
- “Expected Number of Bidders and Winng Bids : Evidence from the London Bus Tendering Model” (avec S. Saussier et A. Yvrande-Billon), Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 47(1), 2013.
- “Make or Buy Urban Public Transport Services: A Rational Choice ?” (avec A. Yvrande-Billon), Economics of Governance, accepté sous réserve de modifications
- “Auction Procedures and Competition in Public Services: The Case of Urban Transport in France and London”, Utilities Policy, 17, pp.166-175, 2009 (avec S. Saussier et A. Yvrande-Billon)
- “Public vs. Private Management of Public Utilities – The Case of Urban Public Transport in Europe”, Research in Transportation Economics, 22 (1), pp.85-90, 2008.
Publications in ouvrages collectifs :
- « Comparative Performances of Delivery Options: Empirical Lessons » (with E. Chong and S. Saussier), in S. Saussier and J. de Brux (eds), The Economics of Public-Private Partnerships, Springer 2017
- “Performances comparées des modes de gestion : quels enseignements empiriques ? » (with E. Chong and S. Saussier), in S. Saussier (ed), Economie des Partenariats Public Privé, De Boeck, 2015
Working Papers :
- « Vertical Separation in Rail Transport : How do Prices Inuence Coordination ?« , 2015 (avec J.-C. Thiebaud).
- « (Co)régulation Economique des Industries de Réseau : Le Cas de la Tarification de l’Infrastructure Ferroviaire en Europe« , 2013 (avec N. Danielowitzova).
- « Single Till versus Dual Till: the Case of Railway Stations Regulation« , 2013.
- “Local Authorities’ Capacity for Expertise, Contractual Choices and Urban Public Transit Efficiency” , 2011.
Other Publications :
- « L’impact de la concurrence sur le coût d’exploitation du transport collectif urbain : l’exemple du Grand Londres », Transports Urbains, 115, pp. 22-24, 2009.
Conferences 2013 :
- European Transport Conference 2013, Frankfurt, 30 September-02 October, « The regulation of European railway stations «
- Symposium « L’espace Ferroviaire Unique Européen : Quelles Réalités ? », Valenciennces, 26-27 September, « (Co)régulation Economique des Industries de Réseau : Le Cas de la Tarification de l’Infrastructure Ferroviaire en Europe« , 2013 (Avec N. Danielowitzova).
- 2013 IPF Conference, Milan, 17-19 June, » PPPs in Rail and Urban Public Transport«
Conferences 2012 :
- 2012 EU Rail Policy Conference (invited speaker), Brussels, 25 November, “ How to ensure effective regulation? “
Conferences 2011 :
- Fourth Anual Conference on Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, Brussels, 25 November
- 2nd European Rail Transport Regulation Forum, Florence School of Regulation (EUI) & Chair of Management of Network Industries (EPFL), 23 mai (without communication)
Conferences 2010 :
- CICA-IFI 2010 Conference (invited speaker), World Bank, Washington, 10-11 Février
Conferences 2009 :
- 13ème Conférence Annuelle de l’ISNIE (International Society for New Institutional Economics), University of Berkeley, San Fransisco, 18-20 Juin
- XXVIèmes Journées
de Microéconomie Appliquée, Dijon, 4-5 Juin - ESNIE (European School on New Institutional Economics), Cargèse (France), 15-20 Mai.
Conferences 2008 :
- 7th Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research, Berlin, 10-11 Octobre
- LVIIème congrès annuel de l’AFSE (Association Française de Science Economique), Paris, 18-19 Septembre
- 35ème conférence de l’EARIE (European Association for Research in Industrial Economics), Toulouse School of Economics, Toulouse, 4-6 Septembre
- Third International Conference on Funding Transport Infrastructure & 10th “Journée Transport”, Paris, 19-20 Juin
Teaching :
- Master 2 IREN (Paris X, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris XI, Supelec) Les Nouveaux Mécanismes Concurrentiels : Enchères et Contrats (since 2009)
- Economics of Public Organizations (University of Paris 1, 2009-2010)
- Organizations and Market Theories (University of Paris1, 2006-2010)
Informations pour les étudiants du Master IREN (liste d’articles pour l’évaluation commune avec E. Chong) :
- Bajari, P. and S. Tadelis, 2001, “Incentives versus transaction costs: A theory of procurement contracts”, RAND Journal of Economics 32(3): pp.287-307
- Amaral, M., S. Saussier and A. Yvrande-Billon, 2008, « Auction procedures and competition in public services: The case of urban public transport in France and London« , Utilities Policy, 17, 166-175
- Amaral, M. and A. Yvrande-Billon, 2009, “Make or buy urban public transport services: A rational choice?”, Working paper.
- Estache, A. & A. Iimi (2009), “(Un)bundling infrastructure procurement: evidence from water supply and sewage project”, WB Policy research Working Paper 4854
- Athias, L., 2008, “Political accountability, incentives and contractual design of Public Private Partnerships”, Working Paper
- Hong, H. and M. Shum, 2002, “ Increasing competition and the winner’s curse: Evidence from procurement”, Review of Economic Studies 69, pp. 871-898
- Porter, R. H. and J. D. Zona, 1993, “Detection of bid rigging in procurement auctions”, Journal of Political Economy 101(3), pp. 518-538
- Chong, E., C. Staropoli and A. Yvrande-Billon (2010) “Enchères ou négociations dans les marchés publics: Une analyse empirique”, Working Paper
- – Littechild, S., 2002, “Competitive bidding for a long-term electricity distribution contract”, Review of Network Economics 1, pp. 1-38.