(REPLAY) Nov 24th, 2020 — Financing models of municipal waste management and economics of bio waste stream
In July 2020, the Florence School of Regulation enlarged the scope of its activities to include Municipal Waste Management with a kick-off webinar that gathered more than 100 participants. We now propose to further explore some key economic challenges that the municipal waste sector is facing.
Opening the black box: financing models of municipal waste management and economics of bio-waste stream
In a context where the municipal waste sector faces long-lasting structural issues, such as fragmented, small-sized, and mostly local markets unlikely to generate sufficient financial resources to face massive investment needs, it seems crucial to analyse the different financing models of municipal waste and assess their level of cost recovery across EU countries. In a context where important investment will have to be made to reach increasingly challenging recycling objectives and pave the way for a circular economy, it also seems key to examine the economics of separately collected bio-waste stream.
Session 1 – Financing models and cost-recovery assessment of municipal waste management
Moderated by Maria Salvetti, Florence School of Regulation
Presentation from the following speakers:
- Antonio Massarutto, Udine University, Italy
- Paulo Ferrão, Lisbon University, Portugal
- Gianluca Tapparini, Operate Foundation, Italy
- Ignasi Puig Ventosa, Fundació ENT, Spain
Round table discussion with the speakers on financing models and cost-recovery assessment of municipal waste
Q&A with the audience
Session 2 – Economics of bio-waste stream
Moderated by Stéphane Saussier, FSR Water & Waste
Presentation from the following speakers:
- Ioannis Bakas, European Environment Agency
- Alessandro Marangoni, Althesys
- David Newman, World Biogas Association
- Davide Tonini, JRC – European Commission
Round table discussion with the speakers on the economics of bio-waste stream
Q&A with the audience
Concluding remarks, Stéphane Saussier, Florence School of Regulation