Posts de Aziz Goumiri
Renegotiations and Renewals of Public Contracts
Authors : Jean Beuve, Stéphane Saussier Abstract : This paper examines the impact of renegotiations on contract renewals. Using an original dataset of procurement contracts in the French car park sector, we show that there exists an optimal level of renegotiations that positively impacts the probability of renewing a contract with the same partner. This…
Lire la suiteThe Cost of Social Public Procurement for Governments The Case of Paris City
Authors : Stéphane Saussier, Louise Vidal Abstract : Public procurement represents a powerful legal instrument available to contracting authorities to ensure compliance with secondary or non-commercial goals. The possibility of integrating social concerns into public procurement is envisaged in the community directives on public procurement and has also been incorporated in the legal systems of…
Lire la suiteGiving consumers too many choices: a false good idea? A lab experiment on water and electricity tariffs
European Journal of Law and Economics, 2021, vol. 51, issue 2, No 7, 383-410 — A. Mayol et C. Staropoli Abstract Electricity and watAbstract Electricity and water tariffs are undergoing significant changes due to smart metering, retail competition, and regulatory changes. Consumers now have to choose between different tariffs which are getting more and more…
Lire la suiteContract renewals, prices and deprivatizations: The case of water in France
January 2021 In: Applied Economics — Alexandre Mayol et Stéphane Saussier Abstract In this paper, we studied the influence of contract renewals on water prices in France. When studying French water contracts in force between 2008 and 2018, we found that contract renewals have little influence on the prices paid by consumers. However, at contract…
Lire la suitePlural Governance for the Management of Local Public Services: An Empirical Investigation on the French Car Park Industry
December 2020 In: M@n@gement — Zoé Le Squeren Abstract This paper investigates the use of plural governance for the provision of local public services. Most of the studies conducted on local data compare direct public provision (i.e., in-house provision where governments produce public services themselves, using their own equipment and employees) to contracting out. But…
Lire la suiteThe economics of street-level prostitution in Paris during the ‘Belle Epoque’ (1870-1914)
June 2020 In: Applied Economics — Alexandre Frondizi and Simon Porcher Abstract How can districts become completely embedded in informal economies despite harsh state regulation? In this paper, we use qualitative and quantitative data to explain the increasing number of ‘clandestine’ street-level prostitutes in a district of Paris during the Belle Epoque (1870–1914). Using an original dataset on street-level prostitutes, we…
Lire la suiteIngy Helmy
Three Essays on Institutional Investors Participation in Infrastructure Projects Juillet 2020
Lire la suiteContract Renewals, Prices and Deprivatizations : The Case of Water in France
Contract Renewals, Prices and Deprivatizations : The Case of Water in France Authors : Alexandre Mayol, Stéphane Saussier Forthcoming in Applied Economics, 2021 Abstract : In this paper, we studied the influence of contract renewals on water prices in France. When studying French water contracts in force between 2008 and 2018, we found that contract…
Lire la suiteResponse2covid19 : une base de données sur les mesures gouvernementales prises partout dans le monde pour faire face au COVID-19
Avec les travaux de Simon PORCHER, Maître de Conférences HDR, Directeur scientifique de la Chaire EPPP, qui apportent un éclairage inédit sur la gestion de la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19 à travers le monde, l’IAE Paris-Sorbonne Business School démontre son engagement sociétal et sa capacité à s’emparer de l’actualité pour nourrir la réflexion collective…
Lire la suiteUse and abuse of regulated prices in electricity markets: “How to regulate regulated prices?”
June 2020 In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy — David Martimort, Jérôme Pouyet and Carine Staropoli Abstract We consider the regulation of the tariffs charged by a public utility in the electricity sector. Consumers differ in terms of their privately known demands. When regulating a firm’s tariffs, the government is concerned by the redistribution…
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