Lisa Chever

Post-doc at the university of Lyon
PhD in Economics
- Contract theories
- Applied industrial organisation
- Public procurement
- Electricity reforms
- Smart Grids
- Post-doc on Smart grid, consumer engagement and public policy
Ph.D. Candidate
Thesis title: Contract Enforcement and Discretion: An Application to Public Procurement.
(Under the supervision of Professor Stéphane Saussier. Defended in December 2013)
- Paris School of Economics
- Magistère d’économie de Paris 1
- The law of Small Numbers: Investigating the Benefits of Restricted Auctions for Public Procurement (with Stéphane Saussier and Anne Yvrande-Billon), work in progress
- Discretion and Efficiency in Public Procurement : Evidence from France (with John Moore), submitted
- « Don’t Ever Take Sides Against the Family » ? Looking for evidence of collusion among group-affiliated firms in public procurement (with John Moore), work in progress
- Quality of Outsourced Services, Rent-Seeking and Contract Design. Evidence from Cleaning Contracts. (with Jean Beuve), work in progress
- The Direct and Indirect Effect of Safety Regulation on Quality in an Oligopoly Market: a Cautionary Tale from the French « Robien Law » (with Michael Klien), work in progress
- Lisa Chever and John Moore (2012) – Negotiated Procedures Overrated ? Evidence from France Questions the Commission’s Approach in the Latest Procurement Reforms. European Procurement and Public Private Partnership Law Review (EPPPL), 4:228-241.
- Organizations and Market Theories (Univ. Paris 1 2010/2011, ENS Cachan 2011)
- Environnement Economique de l’entreprise (Sorbonne Business School 2012)
- Méthodes quantitatives d’Aide à la Décision (Sorbonne Business School 2013)
- Reforming Public Service Delivery, Lausanne, Suisse, May 2014.
- International Society on New Institutional Economics (ISNIE) 17th conference, Florence, Italy, June 2013.
- International Conference « Contracts, Procurement and Public-Private Arrangements »– Villa Finaly (Florence), Italy – June 19-20, 2013
- Journée de la Microéconomie Appliquée (JMA)– Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France – June 6-7, 2013European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Universita’ Tor Vergata (Rome), Italy, September 2012
- European Associtation of Law & Economics (EALE), Stockholm University, Sweden, September 2012
- International Society on New Institutional Economics (ISNIE) 16th conference, University of Southern California, June 2012.
- European School for New Institutional Economics (ESNIE), Cargese, May 2012.
- The Economics of the Public-Private Partnerships, IESE, Barcelona, April 2012.
- Public Procurement and Sustainable Growth, Venice, October 2011.
- 8th ESNIE Day, Montpellier, October 2011.
- French Association of Economics (AFSE) Annual Conference, Nanterre, September 2011.
- European School for New Institutional Economics (ESNIE), Cargese, June 2010.