June 12, 2015 4th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures

4th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures


June 12th, 2015

Florence School of Regulation
Florence (Italy)


The EPPP research group collaborates actively with the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) water group (http://fsr.eui.eu/water).We are also involved in the organization of this series of conferences on the regulation of infrastructures since 2012. This event is organized every year by the FSR in Florence.

The de- and re-regulation of the different network industries is an ongoing process at the global level. As this process unfolds, ever new phenomena emerge, which generally call for more, rather than less regulatory intervention. Yet, the question about the right mixture between market, economic, technical and social regulation remains wide open in all the network industries.

The question becomes even more challenging when looking at infrastructure development in different regions as, at least in some of the network industries, the gap between regulatory assets in different countries is very wide. Most of the European countries have a long lasting story of national regulation and have then started to put considerable effort in harmonising their regulation at the EU level. Outside the EU, regulation of network industries has followed its own path, according to the necessities of the country or the macro-region. Despite the different stages of network industries regulation, mutual learning processes might be possible and actually welcome, in the light of an ever more connected world.

This 4th Florence Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures aims at taking stock of the major challenges infrastructure regulation is currently facing, paying attention to the mutual understanding effort that the regulators have to undertake. It does so by:

  • looking at the main infrastructure sectors, notably telecommunications, postal services, electricity, gas, railways, air transport, urban public transport, as well as water distribution and sanitation; intermodal approaches in infrastructure regulation (e.g., rail and air, road and rail, electricity and gas, post and telecommunications) are particularly encouraged;
  • looking at infrastructure regulation from various disciplinary approaches, notably engineering, economics, law and political science; interdisciplinary approaches are particularly encouraged;
  • linking an academic approach to practical relevance; policy relevant research papers are again particularly encouraged.

We especially welcomed papers that link technology and institutions in developing andemerging countries: the list of selected authors as well as the titles of their papers is available here. Outstanding papers will have the chance to be published in one of the FSR series. Furthermore, the best paper will be submitted for streamlined publication in a special issue of the Utilities Policy Journal


Scientific Committee:


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4th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures

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